What is VAT?
VAT stands for Value Added Tax. It is a consumption tax charged on taxable goods, services immovable property of any economic activity whenever value is added at each stage of production and at the final stage of sale. VAT is charged on both locally produced goods and services and on imports. Value Added Tax is charged by persons registered for VAT only.
What is the scope of VAT?
The VAT shall be charged on any supply of goods, services and immovable property of any economic activity in Mainland Tanzania where it is a taxable supply made by a taxable person in the course of economic activity carried by him. The importation of taxable supply from any place outside Mainland Tanzania shall be charged VAT and normal Customs Laws and procedures shall apply. All supply consumed or enjoyed outside Mainland Tanzania shall be zero-rated upon proof. VAT is chargeable on the taxable supplies of goods and services. The rates are 18% for standard rated supplies, and 0% for exports of goods and services
How should I register for VAT?
Registration for VAT is mandatory to every person upon attaining the registration threshold of 200 million in the period of twelve months and above or the person’s turnover is equal to or greater than one half of the registration threshold (100 million) in the period of six months ending at the end of the previous month.. This condition applies to all types of registration except for professional service providers, Government entity or institution which carries on economic activity and an intending traders after fulfillment of sufficient evidence such as contracts, tenders, building plans, business plans and bank financing.
A person who is required to be registered shall make an application to Commissioner General within thirty days (30) but an intending trader may make such application at any time.
If the Commissioner General is satisfied that a person is required to be registered with VAT and there is a good reason including protection of Government revenue but has not applied for it, shall register and notify such person not later than 14 days after the day on which registration is done regardless of the turnover.
Registration process.
Application for VAT registration is done through Taxpayer Portal (TRA Online Services) on TRA Website after the applicant has logged in to the Portal.
VAT Registration Certificate.
Upon registration, a taxpayer shall be issued with a Certificate of Registration stating the name and principal place of business of the taxable person, the date on which the registration takes effect, his Taxpayer Identification Number and his VAT registration number.
A person shall show his Taxpayer Identification Number and his VAT registration number in any return, notice of appeal or other documents used for official VAT purposes and display his certificate of registration in a noticeable position at his principal place of business.
VAT Returns and tax payment
What is a VAT return?
A VAT return is a form used to submit tax payments to TRA. Currently VAT registered traders are supposed to submit returns to TRA online through taxpayer portal.
VAT is payable on 20th day of the following month of the business that is a due date of submitting the return. If the 20th day falls on the Saturdays, Sunday, or Public Holiday the return shall be lodged on the first working day following the Saturdays, Sunday or Public day.
Rate Structure
What are the applicable rates under VAT?
VAT is chargeable on the taxable supplies of goods and services. The rates are as follows: -
S/N. |
VAT Rates Description of goods/ supplies and services |
VAT Rate |
1 | Supply of taxable goods and services in Mainland Tanzania | 18% |
2 | Importation of taxable goods and services into Mainland Tanzania | 18% |
3 | Export of goods and certain services from the United Republic of Tanzania | 0% |
4 | A supply of ancillary transport services of goods in transit through mainland Tanzania include: | |
| I. An integral part of the supply of an international transport services | 0% |
| II. In respect of goods stored at the port, airport, or a declared customs area for not more than thirty days while awaiting onward transport. |
0% |
How does VAT work?
Each registered person in the chain between the first supplier and the final purchaser or user is charged tax on taxable supplies made to him (input tax) and charges tax on taxable supplies made by him (output tax). He pays to the TRA the excess of output tax over input tax, or recovers the excess of input tax over output tax from the Authority. The broad effect of the scheme is that businesses are not affected by VAT except in so far as they are required to administer it, and the burden of the tax falls to the final consumer.
VAT refund
What is a VAT refund?
Money paid back to the trader. A taxable person will be entitled to a refund of VAT when in a particular prescribed accounting period when his tax liabilities are not exhausted by allowable deductions or where its returns for prescribed accounting periods regularly result in excess credits. The refund once is processed is paid to the taxpayer through Interbank Settlement System (TISS) or through his or her bank account.
A taxable person may apply for a refund where a person has over paid a net amount payable for a tax period, the application may be logged through form VAT ITX260.02E accompany with:
- Certificate of genuineness
The certificate of genuineness referred to under VAT regulation shall be issued by an auditor who has been registered by National Board of Accountants and Auditors and who is registered as a tax consultant with Tanzania Revenue Authority
2. Computation of the refund amount;
a. Checklist for the applicant’s value added tax repayment. b. And any other information as Commissioner General may require. |
Upon receipt of the refund claim the Commissioner General make decision on the application on the basis of the information provided without under taken an audit or investigation, and shall
Within ninety days of it receipt makes decision on the application and informs the applicant on the amount to be refunded, and the period upon which such a refund shall be made.
Application for refund to diplomats and international bodies shall be made to the Commissioner General in form ITX 262.02.E
For the purpose of justifying diplomatic status or status of an international body; the application should be endorsed by the Ministry responsible for foreign affairs and international cooperation.
Be accompanied by tax invoices related to the taxable supplies on which refunds claim is made.
Can the VAT refund be offset against the unpaid tax?
Yes. Any refund may be offset against other taxes, penalties and interest owing to Tanzania Revenue Authority by the taxable person, but the Commissioner General shall inform the taxable person in writing.
Is interest payable on the delayed refunds?
Yes. Refunds must be made within 30 days after the due date for lodgement of the return for the last prescribed accounting period in the half year or receipt of the last outstanding tax return due for any prescribed accounting period falling within that half year, whichever is later unless the Commissioner believes there is a revenue risk. For regularly repayment traders, refunds will be made within 90 days after the due date for lodging the return for the prescribed accounting period, or the date of receipt of the return, whichever is later.
Where the refund is not made within this period, interest is paid to the taxable person at the commercial bank lending rate determined by the Central Bank
What are the requirement for a VAT refund be effected?
A VAT refund, cannot be affected unless the applicant has submitted among others the following documents and or attachments:
- Certificate of genuineness issued by an auditor who has been registered by NBAA and who is registered as a tax consultant with TRA.
- A checklist of details of issues regarding the refund application must be properly filled and completed by the applicant.
- For a case of Regularly Repayment traders the following documents are vital to be submitted
- Single Bill of Entry
- Bill of Lading
- Airway bill
- Road consignment note
- Landing certificate
- EFDs receipts/invoices
4. Brief working from the auditor as to how the claimed amount has been arrived at including the summary of purchases and sales
NOTE: Input Tax shall not be deducted /credited after six months from the date of the tax invoice/EFDs receipts.
VAT Relief
VAT relief to Investor under EPZ, SEZ and Mining, Oil & Gas Companies
An investor licensed under export processing or special economic zone Acts is entitled to VAT special relief. Mining, oil & gas companies are entitled to VAT relief provided that the Company has a binding agreement with the Government which provides for VAT relief. In order to enjoy such both Investors and entitled mining companies are obliged to fill form: ITX263.02. E. The form can be obtained from any TRA nearest office or you may download through TRA website.
Deferment of Capital goods
Deferment means a postponement of payment of the value added tax in respect of capital goods.
Deferment on imported capital goods is not automatic as is upon application by the applicant; the application is subject to scrutiny and approval by the Commissioner. The VAT embodied on each unit of the imported item/good must have VAT element exceeding 20,000,000.
The deferment is due within ten years. Goods imported whose VAT is less than 20,000,000/- shall be treated as normal and shall follow normal rules of calculation of taxes by Customs laws and procedures.
When the trader imports capital goods, the differed tax shall be treated as output tax and input tax of the importer at the time of importation and shall be accounted on the same tax return. Where the period of deferment elapses the differed tax shall not be paid. The deferment granted must be for producing taxable goods and not exempt supplies
Payment and Accounting for VAT
TRA has taken a number of initiatives to modernize its operations through automation and improve the quality of services provided to the Taxpayers.
In order to have secure and efficient payment systems, the two institutions; BOT and TRA agreed to develop the interface that will improve the process of revenue collections and achieve straight through process (STP) between TISS-CBS at BOT and EPICOR, ITAX and TANCIS at TRA.
Revenue Gateway is an intelligent software interface designed and developed to improve the process of revenue collections by achieving STP between BOT and TRA, and Commercial Banks.
The Gateway shall be used for three modes of payments:
- TISS Payments revenue going direct to Bank of Tanzania (SWIFT Messages)
- Tax bank payments reflected directly into specific TRA Systems, revenue transferred to BOT made later
- The Gateway will enable taxpayers to register intention to pay tax online from TRA portal.
Taxpayer will select mode of payment TISS);Upon submission, the RG shall generate pay slip and assign a unique control number ;The Control number, which is eight (12) digits, will be used for reconciliation between TRA and Commercial Banks; The taxpayer shall then submit a printed pay-in slip to the Commercial Bank and order the Bank to transfer tax to Commissioner’s account at BOT; Commercial bank shall receive a pay slip and command the transfer by initiating the transaction into SWIFT terminal by indicating the Control number of the slip; The Gateway shall receive transaction details in form of SWIFT messages from TISS and Gateway will validate and transform it; lastly Gateway will update respective revenue system through their web services.
The Gateway save time to taxpayers in payment process; improved accounting and analysis of Government revenue collection; Minimized human intervention; improved data integrity and speed up documentation process.
Also the Revenue gateway enhance Security - as concentrator of payment messages flow; Reduce Costs - as TRA shall maintain one interface to all commercial banks which will be easier to manage and maintain; payment procedures is made ease for taxpayer and receive acknowledgement every time when TRA receives payment.
Online submission of VAT returns
What is online submission of return?
This is a system of submitting return to TRA through Taxpayer Portal on TRA Website.
What are procedures to be followed?
On line submission of VAT returns require the following steps:
Submit VAT Return
- Login to Taxpayer Portal as Declarant or e-Filer
- Click the company you aim to file for
- Select unfilled return
- Select the month you want to file
Advantages of submitting VAT return online
The web-based return system offers the following benefits:
- Taxpayers will interact with TRA while at their houses or offices.
- Elimination or reduction of queues at TRA offices during due dates
- E-filing will result in fewer errors and creates simple and quicker processing of documents
VAT exemption on projects funded by government or donors
The Commissioner General may, upon application by an applicant in the prescribed form, exempt value added tax on
(a) importation of raw materials to be used solely in the manufacture of long-lasting mosquito nets by local manufacturer having a performance agreement with the Government of the United Republic
(b) importation by a government entity or supply to a government entity of goods or services to be used solely for implementation of a project funded by-
(i) the Government;
(ii) concessional loan, non-concessional loan or grant through an agreement between the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and another government, donor or lender of concessional loan or non-concessional loan; or
(iii) a grant agreement duly approved by the Minister in accordance with the provisions of the Government Loans, Grants and Guarantees Act entered between local government authority and a donor: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on such goods or service;
(c) importation or supply of goods or services for the relief of natural calamity or disaster.
(d) importation by or supply of goods or services to an entity having an agreement with the Government of the United Republic for purpose of operating or executing a strategic project: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on goods or services;
(e) an importation by or supply of goods or services to a non-governmental organization having an agreement with the Government of the United Republic solely for project implemented by the respective non-governmental organization: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on goods or services.
Note: The exemption granted under this part shall cease to have effect and the value added tax shall become due and payable as if the exemption has not been granted if the said goods or services are transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of in any way to another person not entitled to enjoy similar privileges as conferred under this Act.
Exemption to Investments Approved by NISC
The Minister shall, upon approval by the Cabinet and by order published in the Gazette, grant value added tax exemption on goods or services for implementation of special strategic investments approved by the National Investment Steering Committee under the Tanzania Investment Act
VAT Exemption
The Commissioner General may, upon application by an applicant in the prescribed form, exempt value added tax on-
(a) importation of raw materials to be used solely in the manufacture of long-lasting mosquito nets.
(b) importation by or supply to a Government entity of goods or services to be used solely for implementation of a project funded by-
(i) the Government.
(ii) a concessional loan, non-concessional loan or grant through an agreement between the Government of the United Republic and another government, donor or lender of concessional loan or non-concessional loan.
(iii) a grant agreement duly approved by the Minister in accordance with the provisions of the Government Loans, Grants and Guarantees Act entered between local government authority and a donor: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on goods or services.
(c) importation or supply of goods or services for the relief of natural calamity or disaster.
(d) importation by or supply of goods or services to an entity having an agreement with the Government of the United Republic for purpose of operating or executing a strategic project: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on goods or services;
(e) an importation by or supply of goods or services to a non-governmental organization having an agreement with the Government of the United Republic solely for project implemented by the respective non-governmental organization: Provided that, such agreement provides for value added tax exemption on goods or services.Sale of a house of a value not exceeding 50 million shillings by a real estate developer.
f) Supply of precious metals, gemstones and other precious stones at refineries, buying stations or Mineral and Gem Houses designed by the Mining Commission under the Mining Act.
g) Import or supply of aircraft, aircraft engine, aircraft parts and aircraft maintenance to a local operator of air transportation.
h) Supply of automobile accessories used in the conversion of motor vehicle fuel system to natural gas or electricity system to persons engaged in the conversion of such motor vehicles.
i) Import of “moulds” used by a local manufacturer of pharmaceutical for exclusive use in manufacturing pharmaceutical products in Mainland Tanzania
The Minister may, for better carrying out of the provisions of this section, make regulations prescribing the manner of application, granting and monitoring utilization of exemption granted.
Vatable Goods between Mainland and Zanzibar
Where in respect of any taxable supply of goods, the value added tax has been paid in Tanzania Zanzibar at the rate lower than the rate applicable in Mainland Tanzania under this Act, the difference in the value added tax shall be deemed to have not been paid and shall be collected by Tanzania Revenue Authority from the taxable person upon transfer of goods to Mainland Tanzania in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
The difference does not apply on telecommunication ever since the applicable VAT rate is the same to Mainland Tanzania as to Tanzania Zanzibar which is 18%.
Where in respect of any taxable supply of goods, the supply is made directly by a taxable person in Mainland Tanzania to a recipient who is taxable person in Tanzania Zanzibar, the Tanzania Revenue Authority shall collect the value added tax and remit it to Zanzibar Revenue Authority.
Where in respect of any taxable supply of goods, the tax has been paid in Tanzania Zanzibar pursuant to the law for the time being in force in Tanzania Zanzibar, at the same rate as the rate applicable in Mainland Tanzania, the tax shall be deemed to have been paid on the taxable supply in accordance with the provisions of this Act and no tax shall be payable on its transfer to Mainland Tanzania.
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