Export procedures
Export means to take or cause goods to be taken out of partner states. All Exports are free of duty and taxes except for three items; Exporters other than Investors registered in EPZ (This applies for those who have Certificate of meat processor) , shall pay export levy of 80% of FOB value or 0.52 USD per kilogram whichever is higher when exporting raw hides and skin. Raw cashew nuts are chargeable to export levy at the rate of 15% of FOB value or USD 160 per metric ton whichever is higher and Wet blue leather are levied at the rate of 10% on FOB.
How do I process export documents?
- The exporter is required to appoint a Licensed Clearing and Forwarding Agent (CFA) to clear his/her goods for export
- Documentation process is done online and completed before examination of goods and export release.
- The exporter hands over the documents to the CFA who uploads them in the Tanzania Customs Integrated System (TANCIS for Mainland and Zanzibar) together with all attachment of relevant documents including permits from Other Government Departments (OGDs).
- Assessment of export taxes and duties if any.
- CFA make booking of container(s) from shipping line/agent.
- Stuffing of export cargo at Container Freight Services(CFS) into container(s) under supervision of TRA and Other Government Departments (OGDs)
- Shipping line/agent submit to TRA export vessel schedule information.
- TRA audit (approve/reject) loading declaration (approved loading declaration automatically disseminated to Terminal operator as Loading List and becomes expected carry in).
- Gate check is confirmed by TRA terminal gate.
- Terminal operator submits Carry in report to TRA to confirm arrival of export cargo at Terminal.
- Loading result report (short/normal loaded cargo) submitted by terminal to TRA.
- Confirmation of loading report by TRA.
- Submission of Export manifest by Shipping Line/Agent to TRA.
- TRA Audit (approve) export manifest (automatically strike off inventory from terminal).
- The exporter is required to inform the Customs before loading the goods in the container or truck as the proper officer is required to supervise the loading process
- Booking of the space at the shipping line is not required for exports made through overland.
The following documents shall be attached when accomplishing export:
• Invoice
• Parking list
• TIN certificate (exporter)
• Authorization letter
• Export certificates from relevant Authorities depending on nature of the goods to be exported. The certificates/permits may include;
- Certificates from Ministry of Agriculture for crops
- Certificate from Ministry of livestock and fishery
- Certificates from ministry of mines for minerals
- Certificates from Ministry of Natural Resources
- Cross Border Declaration of Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments
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