The launching of Longido Clean Water Project in Arusha. This project has been facilitated by taxpayers through tax payments
Construction of Tanzanite Bridge in Dar es Salaam is one of the tax benefits. Pay tax to build our Nation
Payment of taxes facilitates construction of various infrastructures such as 107.4 km Njombe – Makete road

In the event that TRA officers depart from these service standards without a reasonable cause thus causing delays to taxpayers, the Commissioner General shall:

  •     Write a letter of apology to the taxpayer. 
  •   Direct a senior officer to expedite and resolve the matter. 
  •    Waive, where the laws allow, any interest payments that may accrue as a result of the delay. 

However, any officer who departs from the service standards and from the norms of a good tax administration shall be disciplined in line with the prevailing TRA Staff Regulation. 






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